6 Best Ways to Fix Dents in Laminate Flooring (Tried & Tested)

Laminate floors are a great choice for any home. Because its affordability, durability, and aesthetic appeal make them popular.

Also, laminate flooring is easy to clean and maintain. But, sometimes laminate flooring can be challenging to clean. Why? Because of scratches and dents.


It is possible that heavy furniture items can drop over time. And normal wear and tear can scratch or dent even durable floors.

Now, here a question arises: How to fix dents in laminate flooring?

Well, you can prevent this by using protective mats or rugs and by placing felt pads under furniture. By regularly vacuuming or sweeping the floor, scratches can be prevented.

If you want to know more about this, so you should follow this guide.

Assessing the Damage

  1. Minor Surface Dents: Most of the time, the upper laminate layer suffers from temporary wear. The most common cause is wearing light material or wearing pointed heels. The best way to resolve this problem is to use heat and moisture.
  2. Cracked or Split Dents: The laminate can crack or split on impact, sometimes with chipping. Parts of the board may need to be replaced to repair these dents.
  3. Deep Dents: Deep dents can occur when heavy objects are dropped, or furniture legs are pressed too hard. If the damage extends beyond the surface level, it may be necessary to apply filler and sand it.
  4. Swelling and Buckling: When the laminate becomes too moist, it can swell or buckle, leaving raised spots. Often, the solution to moisture problems lies in adjusting the room’s humidity.

5 Ways to Fix Dents in Laminate Flooring

#1 Using a Clothing Iron and Damp Cloth (Works for Small Dents)

  • The dent should be cleaned, and the area surrounding the dent should be dampened with a damp cloth.
  • Iron the damp cloth in a circular motion for a few seconds with a low-heat iron. Cover with a thin cloth or paper towel.
  • Moisture and heat can expand the laminate fibers, allowing a dent to retract.

#2 Using Wax Pencils (Works for Scratches Only)

  • You can find wax pencils in hardware stores, stationery stores, or online that match your floor’s color.
  • Rub the scratch with the wax pencil in short strokes, moving slowly back and forth. Rub at the right angle for the best results.
  • Then, it would help if you rubbed the scratch dry with a clean cloth to buff it simply.

#3 Use a Laminate Floor Repair Kit (Works If Chipped)

  • Clean the dent and surrounding area and ensure it is free of dirt and debris. Then, apply laminate floor repair putty according to the product instructions.
  • Use the tools provided, such as a plastic scraper, to level the putty. Allow the putty to dry according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • After the repaired area dries, your laminate floor will be seamlessly restored. Sand it gently, clean it, and admire its constant restoration.

#4 Seeking Help from Flooring Experts

  • Consult a professional for a corrective solution based on the severity of the dent.
  • Flooring specialists have the skills and knowledge to handle various types of dents.
  • The best laminate flooring experts use specialized tools and techniques for seamless repairs.

#5 Hot Water and Pressure

  • Hot water and pressure are straightforward approaches. It can disinfect surfaces quickly and easily.
  • Soak a cloth in hot water, place it over the dent, and apply pressure with a heavy object.
  • Let it sit for a while, allowing the hot water to penetrate the laminate and coax those fibers back into place. This simple combination may be necessary to get the best results.

How to Fix Larger or Deeper Dents on Laminate Flooring?

Fixing larger or deeper dents on laminate flooring using wood filler involves the following steps:

  1. Clean the Area: Clean the dent and surrounding area to remove any dirt or debris.
  2. Choose the Right Filler: Select a high-quality wood filler that matches the color of your laminate flooring.
  3. Prepare the Dent: Use a utility knife or fine-grit sandpaper to clean and roughen the inside of the dent. This helps the filler adhere better.
  4. Apply the Filler: Apply the wood filler to the dent using a putty knife or a similar tool. Fill the dent and ensure the filler is level with the surface of the surrounding flooring.
  5. Smooth the Filler: Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away any excess filler from the surrounding area. Then, use a putty knife or a flat edge to smooth out the surface of the filler.
  6. Let it Dry: Allow the wood filler to dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This typically takes several hours or overnight.
  7. Sand the Area: Once the filler is dry. Lightly sand the repaired area with a fine-grit sandpaper. To smooth it out and blend it with the surrounding flooring.
  8. Clean Again: Clean the area thoroughly to remove any sanding dust or debris.

Tips for Preventing Future Dents on Laminate Flooring

  • Use Furniture Pads: Place felt or rubber pads under chairs and table legs to protect your floor from furniture impacts.
  • Use Rugs and Mats: Place rugs in high-traffic areas to reduce direct impact. Also, it provides an extra layer of protection against wear and tear.
  • Clean Regularly: By regular cleaning, you will keep the floor clean and free of debris from accumulating scratches and dents.
  • Lift, Don’t Drag: To prevent sudden impact and dents, you should lift heavy objects rather than drag them.
  • Choose High-Quality Laminate: Invest in high-quality laminate flooring with a thick wear layer and durable construction. It will resist dents and other forms of damage more effectively.

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