3 Best Way to Move Your Fridge without Scratching the Floor

There’s nothing worse than moving that hefty refrigerator across the kitchen without scratching your beloved floor.

I know the struggle because I’ve been in your shoes.

Yes, I’ve faced the challenge of relocating my fridge in my own home without turning my kitchen into a battlefield of scratches.

Whether you’re rearranging your kitchen, deep cleaning, or moving to a new place.

These simple tricks will save you from the headache of floor scratches. And help you keep your kitchen looking spick and span.

Here are some effective methods that will allow you to move your fridge without scratching the floor.

Prerequisite for Moving Your Refrigerator

  • Empty the fridge: Ensure that all food, shelf units, and other items are removed from the refrigerator before moving it.
  • Cleaning the fridge: Make sure to clean both the inside and outside of the refrigerator to cut the risk of damage.
  • Measuring the space: Measure the space where the fridge will go. And make sure that it will fit through doorways and other tight places in which it will be placed.
  • Gather the tools: Gather the tools you will need to move the fridge.
  • Preparing the installation location: Ensure that the location where the refrigerator will be placed is clean. And that it is ready to receive the appliance.
  • Preparing for the move: If you need help moving the fridge, ensure that you have enough people along with you.

The Right Way to Move a Refrigerator without Scratching the Floor

Step 1: Empty Your Fridge

Take out all the food, drinks, and removable shelves from your refrigerator. This lightens the load and makes it easier to move.

Step 2: Secure Loose Items

Check for loose items like magnets or removable parts. Secure them inside the fridge to prevent anything from falling during the move.

Step 3: Measure Doorways and Pathways

Measure the doorways and paths you’ll be using to move the refrigerator.

Make sure the fridge can fit through without any issues or getting stuck.

Step 4: Gather Moving Supplies

Grab some furniture sliders, old towels, or cardboard pieces. Place these under the fridge to make it easier to slide without scratching the floor.

Step 5: Enlist Help

Moving a refrigerator on your own can be tough. Ask a friend or family member for help to make the process safer and more manageable.

Step 6: Move in a Straight Line

Move the refrigerator in a straight line, avoiding sudden turns or twists.

This minimizes the risk of scratching the floor or damaging the appliance.

Step 7: Use Towels for Tight Spaces

If you encounter tight spaces, use towels or cardboard as buffers between the fridge and the walls or door frames to prevent scratches.

Step 8: Protect Floors with Rugs or Towels

If moving across a larger area, place rugs or towels along the path to provide extra protection for your floors.

Step 9: Position the Refrigerator

Once in the new location, gently lower the fridge to its upright position. Plug it back in only after allowing it to stand upright for a few hours.

3 Best Alternative Ways to Move Your Fridge Without Scratching the Floor

Make Use of Boxes.

Using cardboard boxes is a practical and straightforward method.

To begin, empty your fridge and give it a quick clean. This not only lightens the load but also ensures a fresh start in its new location.

Measure the width and height of your fridge to choose suitable cardboard boxes.

Reinforce these boxes by taping up the bottoms and corners, ensuring they can handle the weight.

Once your boxes are ready, lay towels or blankets inside them.

This added padding serves as a cushion for your fridge and protects the floor from potential scratches.

Tilt the refrigerator backward with the help of a friend and slide the reinforced boxes underneath to fully support its base.

Now, you can start pushing and gliding the fridge in the desired direction.

The cardboard boxes act as sliders, reducing friction and preventing scratches on the floor.

As you move, do so slowly to maintain control and avoid sudden bumps or jolts.

Be mindful of tight spaces, using extra cardboard or towels as needed to protect both the fridge and surrounding walls.

Invest in a Dolly to Make Your Life Easier.

If you prefer to move your refrigerator quickly and easily. You should consider using a dolly with wheels instead of picking it up and carrying it by yourself.

Placing your refrigerator on a dolly can make it much easier for you to roll it out of your house or apartment.

A dolly can be purchased online or from a nearby home-improvement store.

If you intend to move often over the next several years. Or you can rent one from moving companies for a reasonable fee.

No doubt buying a dolly will make your transfer easier.

Tips and Tricks for Preventing Scratches on the Floor

When moving a refrigerator, here are some additional tips and tricks you can use to prevent scratches on the floor as a result of moving the refrigerator:

  1. Measure the space: Take measurements of the space where it will be placed. This ensures that the refrigerator will fit through doorways & around corners.
  2. Use furniture sliders: Furniture sliders that are specifically designed for appliances can be used. It has a larger surface area and can handle the weight of a refrigerator due to its larger surface area.
  3. Have at least one other person to help: It will be great to have someone to assist you with moving a refrigerator, as it can be a difficult task.
  4. Be mindful of the path: It is important to be aware of the path you are moving the refrigerator through. And to try to prevent the refrigerator from scratching the floor with sharp edges or corners.
  5. Be cautious: Take your time when moving the refrigerator and be cautious when you do so. There is a possibility that rushing could cause the refrigerator to shift or tilt. Which could result in scratches on the floor as a result.
  6. Clean the Floor: Moving the refrigerator might be more difficult. If there is dust on the floors of your home, it can cause friction between the appliance and the floor.

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