Can You Use Old English on Hardwood Floors? (Answered)

You know that hardwood floors add elegance to any space, but to keep that charm alive, they need regular care.

It’s not just about looks; cleaning and maintenance also extend the life of your floors.

Suppose you’ve recently become a proud hardwood floor owner.

You might wonder how to keep your floors looking their best.

And you’ve likely heard of Old English. A product often associated with furniture care.

You might be wondering, Can you use Old English on hardwood floors?

After all, nobody wants to risk damaging those gorgeous floors to pursue a shiny finish.

So, let’s unravel the mystery behind caring for your hardwood floors.

Is Old English the key to maintaining its lustrous appeal?

Can You Use Old English on Hardwood Floors?

Yes, you can use Old English on hardwood floors. It is a gentle cleaner, wax, and polish for hardwood floors.

When used as directed, it protects wood surfaces from scratches and minor marks.

If you use Old English to clean hardwood floors, avoid using petroleum-based products.

It is not recommended to apply Old English to waxed, oiled, or shellacked floors.

You should prevent letting Old English dry on your floor because it leaves a dull, waxy buildup.

If you want to prevent this, rinse off any Old English you apply with clean water after.

The different types of Old English products

#1 Old English Scratch Cover:

You can eliminate scratches and dents on wooden surfaces, including your hardwood floors, with this tool.

Additionally, it comes in various shades to seamlessly integrate with various hardwood types.

#2 Old English Lemon Oil:

The best way to polish your wood furniture and floors naturally is by using lemon oil products.

In just a few minutes, they will bring back the wood’s stunning beauty and that beautiful shine.

#3 Old English Aerosol Spray:

When you use Old English products, it’s super easy to give wood surfaces some love – they come in convenient spray bottles.

Also, the sprays can minimize those annoying little scratches and restore the shine.

#4 Old English Furniture Polish:

Furniture polish is one of the unsung heroes when it comes to caring for wooden furniture.

In addition to cleaning and shininess, it also acts as a shield, protecting your wood from the elements.

As a result, it keeps your wood looking good and staying strong.

Does Old English Protect Wood?

Yes. Old English provides a lustrous shine to wood and masks minor imperfections.

It does provide some protection against moisture and stains but is primarily aesthetic.

You can protect wood surfaces from wear, moisture, and damage by using a wood sealant or finish.

They protect your wood surfaces from rot, insects, and weathering.

Does Old English stain wood?

Old English can be a real game-changer for your hardwood floors.

It reduces those annoying scratches and adds an extra touch of beauty.

But here’s the catch – if you go excessive or use it on the wrong kind of hardwood, you might end up with some unexpected stains or discoloration.

If you want to stay on the safe side, always start by patch testing in a hidden area.

Follow the instructions like glue, and don’t get too carried away.

If you follow the rules, your wood will look great.

Pros and Cons of Using Old English on Wood Floors



  • If used improperly or excessively, color may appear uneven or cloudy.
  • It is important to ventilate properly when using Old English products.
  • Old English maintenance can lead to neglect of proper care and maintenance.

Old English on Wood Floors: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Clean the Wood Surface

Before applying Old English, ensure that the wood floor is clean and free of dust and debris.

Sweep or vacuum the area to remove any loose dirt.

Cleaning the surface allows the polish to adhere better.

Step 2: Choose the Right Old English Product

Old English offers different products for light and dark wood.

Choose the appropriate one based on the color of your wood floors.

This ensures that the polish enhances the wood’s natural tones without causing discoloration.

Step 3: Shake the Old English Bottle

Give the Old English bottle a good shake to mix the contents.

This helps ensure an even distribution of the conditioning agents and pigments in the polish.

Step 4: Apply a Small Amount

Dab a small amount of Old English directly onto a clean soft cloth.

Or a lint-free microfiber applicator.

It’s better to start with a modest amount and add more as needed to avoid overapplication.

Step 5: Spread Evenly

Gently spread the Old English onto the wood surface in the direction of the wood grain.

Work in small sections to ensure even coverage.

Avoid applying too much pressure; a light touch is enough.

Step 6: Rub into the Wood

Use a circular or back-and-forth motion to rub the Old English into the wood.

This not only spreads the product but also helps the wood absorb the conditioning agents.

Step 7: Buff with a Clean Cloth

After applying Old English to a section, use a clean, dry cloth to buff the wood.

Buffing removes excess polish, evens out the finish, and brings out the wood’s natural sheen.

Step 8: Repeat as Needed

Continue applying Old English, section by section, until you’ve covered the entire wood floor.

If you notice any streaks or uneven areas, go back and buff them out.

Repeat the process as needed to achieve the desired level of shine.

Step 9: Allow Drying Time

Give the wood some time to absorb the polish and allow it to dry.

This drying period varies, so check the product instructions for specific recommendations.

Tips for Cleaning and Caring for Old English Wood Floors

  • Sweep or Vaccum: Use a soft-bristle broom or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove dust, dirt, and debris. In this way, scratches caused by abrasive particles can be prevented.
  • Avoid Water and Moisture: When wood floors are exposed to excessive moisture, they can become damaged over time.
  • Specially Formulated Wood Cleaner: Make sure you use a cleaner made for hardwood floors. Avoid using harsh chemicals as they can damage the finish of the floor.
  • Natural Solution: Mix a tiny amount of vinegar with water to make a homemade solution (about 1/4 cup of vinegar to a gallon of water). Dirt and grime can be eliminated with this solution.

More on Hardwood Floorings:


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